In 1835 a priest from Bergamo, Fr. Luke Passi, a friend of Fr. Joseph, visited Quinto and, having met Paula, understood immediately her capabilities and the potential of the group she had founded.
He asked her to adopt, as a method of carrying out the apostolate, the movement which he was spreading throughout Italy as a means of educating poor and needy young women.
The parish was the center of this movement. With the help of young women who had a better formation, Fr. Luke planned to reach other young girls in their everyday environment, at work… in the streets, in the lanes… and having established a friendship, help them to grow as persons and as Christians.
Paula understood the uniqueness and the value of this initiative. In the simplicity of its method she was able to identify her way of educating.
She shared the idea that the parish should be the center, that the planning should be clear and balanced. The collaboration with other young girls, who needed to be formed towards the apostolate, was an excellent way of reaching girls who otherwise would have remained isolated.
She accepted Fr. Luke’s proposal, and in agreement with her companions, she changed the name of the group to that of the Sisters of St. Dorothy the name of the work they had made their own.
It was an important moment in the life of the group because with this choice Paula had defined more clearly the apostolic boundaries of her consecration.
She had also strengthened her most fundamental desire: that of being completely available in the hands of God to evangelize through education giving fìrst place to young people and the poor.