“God wills, man dreams, the work is born”
(Fernando Pessoa)
We also are born when we let the dreams to visit us and challenge us to be bridges, paths, networks, asking to pass through us to go to the encounter of many, of all.
In may 2015, when we had our first meeting with the formation team for the educative centers in the Area of Europe of our dorothean family, we were visited by the desire to go quickly through new paths, shorting distances, sharing experiences, creating communion among our centers. We stayed happy because God saw that it was good: our dream of giving birth “the work” – the platform for communication among all.
The 3rd march was and is for us, dorothean family, the “propitious time” because Paula Frassinetti was born to fulfill a dream, God’s dream for her.
In this same day full of meaning, we see this “child-platform” to be born, full of enthusiasm and with a particular vocation: to give life, knowledge, feast, creativity, art and all that is beauty as expression of love to all that visit it.
As first responsible of the Congregation, I congratulate this birth, and I hope that this “child” has a long and fruitful life. If all of us take care of her, our family can grow on the quality of the sharing of the received gifts.
I am united to all in this take care…
Your Sister and friend, Maria da Conceição Ribeiro
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