Paula’s Spirit Continues…

1910 was a particularly difficult but fruitful year in the years “after Paula”. The revolution in Portugal caused the dispersal of the Sisters.

They were forced to leave that country, in sorrow and privation, and transplant Paula’s gift in other nations… Spain, Switzerland, the United States, Belgium, England, Malta… where the refugee Sisters are welcomed.


“… unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies,

it does not produce any fruit…” (John 12:24)


Today, Paula’s gift lives on in the heart and in the commitment of more than a thousand Dorotheans and in the laity who share their spirituality in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, England, Malta, United States, Brazil, Perù, Argentina, Angola, Mozambique, the island of San Tome, Taiwan, Albania, Azores, Cameroon and the Philippines.

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